You have killed my innocent family
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
A Movie about the Holocaust on the Sinti and Roma
by Alina Serban
A Story about the Best People in the Worst of Times
A Requem for Auschwitz
The History of the Roma
A Movie about Freedom Fighter Katarina Taikon
The Deathless Woman is a ghost story for the 21st Century, by writer-director Roz Mortimer, 2019, UK, 89 min
A feature documentary of director Robert Kirchhoff, 2016, Slovakia / Czech Republic, 92 min
A fiction movie by (Romani) director Tony Gatlif, 2009, France, 111 min
A film by Bob Entrop, 2021, Netherlands, 102 min
A feature documentary directed by Aaron Yeger
A documentary of directors Mihai Andrei Leaha, Andrei Crişan, Iulia Elena Hossu, 2013, Romania, 56 min
A documentary by Bob Entrop, 2014, The Netherlands, 86 min
The RomArchive film section features various objects about the Holocaust, curated by Katalin Barsony