Raymond Gureme

Virtual commemoration in the UK

2 August 2020, 10:00 – 12:30 BST

To Join the live event, please email to

We are a group of community members and organsiations who have come together trying to raise the awareness of Roma genocide across the UK.

We are writing to invite you to attend the online activities for Roma genocide Memorial Day on the 2nd August. We have not published the Zoom, but can send to via email.

As you know, this day is to commemorate the 500,000 Roma and Sinti people that were killed during the Second World War and is by far the greatest tragedy in Roma history. Despite this catastrophic loss, research has shown that 55% of 2162 British adults surveyed were unaware that over 500,000 Roma and Sinti people were killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis. Therefore, it is vital we continue to mark this day to raise awareness of all those who lost their lives.

Given the ongoing health crisis it has not been possible to mark the day in the usual way so we have organised an online event ‘Look and don’t forget’ to honour the memory of those lives lost. We have arranged guest speakers, educational resources and content will also be live streamed on the  2nd August.

To read more see the Press release


Gedenken in Berlin

Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe murdered under National Socialism, Berlin (DE), 2 August 2020, 21:00 CET

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