Expert Meeting on Holocaust Education
International meeting in Berlin, March 2019
This meeting brought together 50 participants from 16 countries in Feb/March 2019 in Berlin to share experiences between citizens, educators and experienced experts that are strongly engaged in awareness-raising activities for Holocaust remembrance, as well as to advance a long-term networking between Roma, Jewish, anti-Racism and other youth and human rights organizations. The outcomes included the development of an educational curriculum and activity plan for the context of the 2 August memorial day, the development of policy recommendations, and a selection of best practices from partners. The activities included a meeting with the German special envoy on Holocaust remembrance, visits and reflections about the Holocaust memorials in Berlin, and meeting with various stakeholders (EVZ Foundation, Education Forum against Antigypsyism, ERIAC).
The international conference was organized by the wide partnership of Dikh He Na Bister, ternYpe International Roma Youth Network, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, and the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma.
Funding and Support
The conference was co-funded by the ‘Europe for Citizens’ Program of the European Union in the framework of the project ‘From Remembrance of the Roma Holocaust to a European Reconciliation Process’.
Policy Recommendations: From Remembrance to Reconciliation
This policy paper “From Remembrance to Reconciliation: Recommendations to combat Antigypsyism” promotes a comprehensive approach to combat antigypsyism in all its dimensions and manifestations. It offers guidance to combat antigypsyism that can be used for developing the EU post-2020 Roma Framework and the renewed national Roma policies. It puts a strong focus on a historical perspective, on the remembrance and recognition of the Holocaust of Sinti and Roma, and the approach for a “Truth and Reconciliation Process”.
Follow-up Activity: International Conference “From Remembrance to Reconciliation”
This conference in mid March 2019 in Brussels strengthened the coalition-building process of the Alliance against Antigypsyism (with over 75 participants from 16 countries) and the advocacy for recognition and reconciliation. The conference became a key reference point to advance “Truth and Reconciliation processes” which were addressed as a recommendation by the European Commission EU Roma strategic framework for equality, inclusion and participation for 2020-2030. Find out more >>
Follow-up Activity: Dikh He Na Bister Youth Initiative (“Look and don’t forget” in Romani) – the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative mobilizes each year thousands of young Roma and non-Roma all over Europe on the occasion of the 2 August – the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day – to advance remembrance, recognition and education about the Roma Genocide. Find out more >>
Follow-up Activity: International Conference “Is Auschwitz Only Sleeping?”
The international conference, entitled “’Is ‘Auschwitz only Sleeping?’ Sinti and Roma Narratives after the Holocaust,” took place on 31 July and 1 August 2019 at the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Find out more >>
Dikh He Na Bister - Educational activities

International Youth Remembrance Event

Education for remembrance of the Roma Genocide
Scholarship, commemoration and the role of youth, publication

International Conference (2019) about Sinti and Roma Narratives after the Holocaust

From Remembrance of the Roma Holocaust to a European Reconciliation Process
Project description

Expert Meeting on Holocaust Education
Berlin, March 2019