Screenshot of the Website – The Genocide of the Roma & the Roma Identity
A web-based collection of video/audio podcasts and educational resources is a web-based collection of 24 video/audio podcasts and educational resources, about the causes and the consequences of the Genocide of the Roma in WWII, the Roma identity building and the self-empowerment of the Roma around Europe.
It aims to encourage debate to further identity building and self-empowerment of the Roma communities in Europe. This new-media series is produced in 12 regions in Europe and is a project produced by Radio La Benevolencija HTF , Terraforming, Radio Patrin and partners.
The genocide of the Roma and Sinti during World War II, also known as Porajmos or Samudaripen, was planned and and carried out by the Nazi Germany and its allies around Europe with the aim to exterminate the Roma and Sinti people.
“Tajsa” is a beautiful Romani word, meaning both yesterday and tomorrow.
Almost 50 years since the glance of the unknown girl in white head scarf, who is fearfully staring out of the wagon, was filmed in Westerbork transit camp, a Dutch journalist managed to identify her as Sinti girl, Settela Steinbach. This became the turning point for the Dutch Sinti and Roma community to finally gain official recognition as victims of Nazi persecution and genocide. There is continuity in persecution of Sinti and Roma – current exclusion and discrimination is linked to the past. Roma were and have always been a substantial part of European cultures and societies.What was life like for Sinti and Roma in the Netherlands before World War II? Can collective trauma in the past be used for self-empowering and boosting of the new strong group identity today?
Narzędzia edukacyjne i miejsca nauki
The Encyclopaedia of the Nazi Genocide of the Sinti and Roma in Europe
the first comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge on the persecution and murder of the Sinti and Roma under National Socialism and during the Second World War (1933–1945) – The Learning Website
The genocide committed against European Roma and Sinti during the National Socialist era
Sinti_zze und Rom_nja in Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
Persecution, memory and self-assertion
Online portal about the Holocaust of the Sinti and Roma
Sinti and Roma in the Ravensbrück concentration camp
Contribution of the Education Forum against Antigypsyism and the Ravensbrück Memorial – The Genocide of the Roma & the Roma Identity
A web-based collection of video/audio podcasts and educational resources – a virtual exhibition about the life stories of Holocaust survivors
The life stories of nine Sinti and Roma children who survived the Holocaust
Right to Remember
A handbook for education with young people on the Roma Genocide
Elses Geschichte
Interactive online learning site
Places of memory – Places of Learning
History and stories – learning and locating