Peter De Roover
President of the Belgian House of Representatives
President of the Belgian House of Representatives
O Generàlo Sekretàri, Unisarde Thema
Komisàrka e EU-aqi vaś o barabaripe
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Śerutno e Maśkarthemutne Aleancaqo vaś o seripe e holokaustesqo, Unisarde Thagaripnasqo Śerutnipe
Angluni Vice Direktòra e OSCE-qe Viramlinaqi vaś demokratìko institùcie ta manuśikane hakaja
Marśàla e Senatesqi and-i Republìka e Polskaqi
Presidènta e Bundesrat-esqi Germània
Sekretàri Themesqo, Polskaqi Ministrìa e Avrutne Butěnqi