2 August 2020
Ivan Bilashchenko
Praʒivdo kotar o genocìdi aj xelado anglal and-i Loli àrmia
Seripnasqo vakeripe p-o 2-to Avgust 2020, Memoriàlo Dives e Genocidesqo vaś o Sìnte aj o Rroma
Me sinom o Bilashchenko Ivan Korniyovych. Biandilom and-o gav Dmitrovka and-o 1926. And-o 1941 śirdias o Maripe aj savorre – terne aj bare aśunde so si o Maripe. K-o 17 berś lie man and-o Maripe. Normal trebuja te oves 19 berśenqo kaj te len tut k-i mobilizàcia no na sine dòsta manuśa ta akalaqe lie kotar 17. Kadia, 17 berśenqo gelom k-o Maripe avere amalença sar manθe.
Sas te keras amari dutǐ te brakhas amaro Them. Dikhlom but darutne butǎ k-o Maripe – meripe aj aver sure.
Si vasno te dikěras i memòria. Ekstrem vasno sit e dikěras. Te na mukhas te ovel palem so sine. Te ʒanen kaj jekh maripe nane lośalo vaxt. O manuśa sas bićhalde k-o meripe. Akana o manuśa cirden jekh avresθe garavde k-i konʒ, atòska o manuśa sas mudarde putardes k-o drom e maripnasqo. Daravno sine. Odola save na mangle te maren pen śaj oven sas mudarde penqe manuśenθar kotar penqi rig. Trebuja te keres so phenelas o komandànto. Devla ma much te ovel palpalem, sosqe savorre si amen ćhave aj unùkǎ.
E ternenqe kamav te ovel len baro amalipe. Savorre te oven lośale aj laćhe jekh avreça. Musaj te ʒanen, kaj o manuśa save na cirdie dukh ʒiven pharimatença. Kana jekh manuś dikhel so si katastròfa ja barem śunda pala laθe kotar o maj phure, akava si lesqe baro aźutipe te ovel lośalo e ʒivipnaça. O manuśa na trebul te den godi sadaj po jekh dives. Musaj te śunen e manuśen save ʒivinde, save kamen te nakhaven penqo ʒanipe e ternenqe kaj te ćhinen o drom e dukhavipnasqo aj e maripnasqo, te putren i godi aj o ilo e manuśenqo. So si maj bari buti? O amalipe jekhe naciaqo. Mandavel but. Misalaqe, avdives sinam ulavde: laćhi rig, bilaćhi rig. Savo ʒivipe si akava? Ʒivas ande jekh vaxt kaj o Rroma aj o Gaʒe si mamujal aj amen savorre musaj te ovas barabar aj amala!
Ivan Bilaschenko was born in the village of Dmytrivka, in the the region of Cherkasy, Ukraine in 1926. He firstly went to school in 1934. Before the war broke out in 1941, he had finished his school days in the 7th grade because he joined the Komsomol (Communist Youth Organization). When the German occupants started with Roma mass murder, he was sure that he would be shot as well. One day the “Starosta” (the head of the village) received an order from the Gestapo. His task was to cleanse ethnically the village from the „gypsies“ which ment sending them to death. But the Starosta denied that order because he was a friend of Ivan’s family. Instead he helped them to gather some valuables, such as gold, to convice the Gestapo commandant that he should not deport the Bilaschenkos. After that attempt, Ivan should be sent to Germany to do forced labor but he manged to escape on the journey to Germany. When he returned home, he was drafted by the Red Army at the age of 17 years and he was engaged in several important battles. He has received several awards for his military service.
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Ivan Bilashchenko
Praʒivdo kotar o genocìdi aj xelado anglal and-i Loli àrmia

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