Romani Rose
Centràlo Sombeś e germanikane Sintenqo aj Rromenqo
Centràlo Sombeś e germanikane Sintenqo aj Rromenqo
Asociàcia e Rromenqi and-i Pòlska
Direktòri e Themesqe Muzeosqo aj e Memioralone Thanesqo Auschwitz-Birkenau
Praʒivdi e genocidesqi
Praʒivdi e genocidesqi
Auschwitz survivor, member of the International Auschwitz Council
Prezidènti e Germanikane Bundestagesqo
Śerutno e parlamentarone asambleaqo e Evropaqe Sombeśesqo
Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Deputy Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas (Parliament)
Vice presidènta e Polskaqe parlamentesqi
Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
H.E. The President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus
President of the Belgian House of Representatives
O Generàlo Sekretàri, Unisarde Thema
Komisàrka e EU-aqi vaś o barabaripe
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Śerutno e Maśkarthemutne Aleancaqo vaś o seripe e holokaustesqo, Unisarde Thagaripnasqo Śerutnipe
Angluni Vice Direktòra e OSCE-qe Viramlinaqi vaś demokratìko institùcie ta manuśikane hakaja
Marśàla e Senatesqi and-i Republìka e Polskaqi
Presidènta e Bundesrat-esqi Germània
Sekretàri Themesqo, Polskaqi Ministrìa e Avrutne Butěnqi
Themesqi Minìstra vaś kultùra ta mèdia, Germània
Member of the Bundestag, Federal Minister of Finance
Śerutno e Yad Vashem-esqo, o Sundalutno Cèntro e Holokaustesqe Seripnasqo
Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Member of the Bundestag, Leader of CDU
Member of the Bundestag, Co-leader of SPD
Federal Government Commissioner against Antigypsyism
Head of the State Chancellery Bavaria/Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media
Co-president of the Greens in the European Parliament
Chairwoman of DIE LINKE
Deputy Secretary General /
Managing Director Human Rights Impact
American Poet